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TIME:2023-11-15 19:17:03 HOT:0来源:admin
栏目 产品 银行

Suining Legal Person Loan Latest Interest Rate Policy

If you live or do business in Suining, Sichuan, and need a loan, then you may be interested in the latest interest rate policy for legal person loans in Suining. The good news is that the interest rate policy has recently been adjusted, which may make loans more affordable for you.

Overview of the Policy

According to the latest policy, the interest rate for legal person loans in Suining ranges from 4.35% to 6.65%, depending on the type of loan and the creditworthiness of the borrower. The maximum loan amount is 10 million yuan, and the repayment period can be up to 5 years.

This policy applies to all legal persons in Suining, regardless of whether they are state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, or foreign-invested enterprises. The purpose of the loan can be for business operations, fixed asset investments, or working capital.

Benefits of the Policy

The latest interest rate policy for legal person loans in Suining has several benefits for borrowers. Firstly, the interest rates are competitive and relatively low compared to other cities in China. This can help reduce the cost of borrowing and increase the profitability of business operations.

Secondly, the maximum loan amount of 10 million yuan is sufficient for most small and medium-sized enterprises in Suining. This means that businesses can access the funds they need to expand their operations, purchase equipment, or hire more employees.

Thirdly, the repayment period of up to 5 years provides businesses with flexibility when it comes to managing their cash flow. With longer repayment terms, businesses can spread the loan payments over a longer period of time, which can make it easier to manage their finances.

How to Apply for the Loan

To apply for a legal person loan in Suining, you need to contact a local bank or financial institution that offers these types of loans. You will need to provide the following documents:

Business license and registration documents

Tax registration certificate

Financial statements for the past 2-3 years

Loan application form

Collateral documents (if required)

Once you have submitted your application, the bank or financial institution will review your documents and assess your creditworthiness. If approved, the loan agreement will be signed, and the funds will be deposited into your bank account.


The latest interest rate policy for legal person loans in Suining is good news for local businesses that are looking for affordable financing options. With competitive interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and a maximum loan amount of 10 million yuan, businesses have access to the funds they need to expand their operations and improve their profitability.


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